Register NOW to Learn About a Natural Approach!
Tune in to this inspiring webinar by Monadnock Natural Health to learn about how functional medicine gets to the root of the problem. If you're sick of just putting band-aids on big problems and are looking for a completely different approach to medicine - this is it
If you are struggling or suspect you may be struggling with a THRYOID IMBALANCE, FATIGUE, WEIGHT GAIN or INFLAMMATION.... this webinar is for you!
- Low thyroid
- Overactive thyroid
- Hashimoto's or another thyroid-based autoimmune disorder
- Fatigue
- Hair Loss
- Weight struggle
- Anxiety or mood issues
We will discuss natural ways to address thyroid imbalances. There is HOPE for thyroid imbalances - and it doesn't come in a pill! We'll be discussing natural, lifestyle, and food-based remedies for one of the most common struggles for women over 30 today.
Plus, you will learn:
- What They Aren't Telling You: Doctors' actions are strictly monitored. Unfortunately, they often can't tell you the truth about wellness. The only solution they are allowed to offer is prescriptions. No wonder health has become confusing!
- Stop Chasing Your Symptoms: Learn what all thyroid imbalances have in common, and why chasing your symptoms with medications will only lead to disappointment.
- The Inflammation Trigger: Why chronic inflammation is your biggest roadblock to feeling better.
We will discuss common triggers of thyroid issues, inflammation, and fatigue, look at potential underlying causes of these disorders, and explore more natural alternatives for calming the system and restoring balance.